Join attorney Eric Cooperstein for this in-depth CLE session! In this webinar, we will compare flat fees and hourly retainers, along with discussing the ethics and best practices for using both types of fees. No matter how long you have been practicing law, this is a must-see session!
In this session, Senior Relationship Manager Aaron Kempen brings his 10+ years of Medicaid expertise to discuss the two primary Medicaid Compliant Annuity (MCA) strategies used for a single person: the Gift/MCA Plan and the Standalone MCA Plan. Aaron will discuss: The Medicaid eligibility rules related to the use of either strategy The economic results […]
Helping aging adult clients prepare for the complex legal issues they will face in the late stages of life presents ethical issues every attorney must be aware of. In this session, hear from elder law attorney Shirley Gallant as she identifies these ethical issues and discusses how to avoid the pitfalls they create for you and your client.
Washington state is the first to enact a mandatory payroll tax to fund a public long-term care insurance program, but it won’t be the last. In this KrauseCAST webinar, our National LTCI Director, Lori Gubash, CLTC, FICF, covers the current status of the WA Cares Fund, what it means for clients thinking about long-term care, […]
When dealing with a married couple in crisis Medicaid planning, it is easy to assume using a Medicaid Compliant Annuity in the name of the community spouse is the best option. However, you may be missing out on key opportunities to save your clients even more money. In this presentation, our President and CEO, Dale […]
LegalZoom and other tech companies are building legal products for the masses. How can the legal community participate in this online legal market and provide a better service to consumers? Find out when you register for this special on-demand session with guest presenter Dorna Moini, CEO and co-founder of Documate!
You already know both Medicaid Compliant Annuities and promissory notes can be used as spend-down tools in crisis Medicaid planning. In fact, many attorneys believe these products serve a nearly identical purpose—but, do they really? In this webinar, our President and CEO, Dale Krause, J.D., LL.M. will discuss the differences between a Medicaid Compliant Annuity […]
Join us for a special guest edition of KrauseCAST featuring Scott Solkoff of Elder Law College! As America’s population ages, and your client base grows, you will run into the question of incapacity. In this presentation, Scott will discuss what lawyers need to know about evaluating and dealing with incapacity in clients.
Attorneys are often called on during crisis planning. This webinar is meant to expand the conversation for lawyers and their clients before a crisis occurs. Opening the three doors that take into account others who are impacted by a long-term care crisis allows the attorney to expand the conversation to targeted planning and precise preparation that can minimize any crisis.