Crisis Medicaid planning for a married couple can be complex, even more so when you're dealing with an institutionalized couple and both spouses are seeking benefits. Hear from Aaron Kempen as he shares how to preserve assets and accelerate Medicaid eligibility using the Double Gifting Plan!
During Part 2 of this series hear from Mark Munson, CELA, as he helps you better understand retirement accounts you will encounter in Medicaid planning. This session focuses on case studies to apply concepts covered in Part 1. Watch now!
Long-term care insurance is a versatile tool that can help clients bulletproof their estate plans; however, many attorneys are unfamiliar with how it works or how they can best incorporate it into their practice. Hear from Don Levin, J.D., MPA, CLTC, as he explores LTCI from the attorney’s perspective!
In this session, we’ll share what to do when a client has resources over the asset limits for individuals and the community spouse. Plus, you'll learn what transfers can be made without penalty, estate recovery rules in your state, and fundamental crisis planning strategies!
As an estate planning and elder law attorney, you often encounter clients needing to conduct funeral preplanning. Hear from Damon Wenig, MBA, CFSP, as he discusses the Funeral Expense Trust and how it could help you streamline the process for your client and your firm.
During Part 1 of this series, hear from Mark Munson, CELA, as he helps you understand the types of retirement accounts you will encounter during crisis Medicaid planning. Watch today and learn how to properly advise your clients!
If you are an elder law or estate planning attorney assisting senior clients with long-term care planning, it is essential to understand Medicaid concepts related to resources and income. Learn the basics of Medicaid's financial requirements during this session!
It's no secret that IRAs are some of the trickiest assets to deal with during the crisis Medicaid planning process. That's where a Medicaid Compliant Annuity can help. Hear from Aaron Kempen as he discusses how to fund an IRA into an MCA!
This special CLE session featuring elder law attorney Brenna Galvin covers the life care planning model in elder law and how it can help you provide more holistic services to your clients while increasing revenues. Watch today!